Brittany Morton,
CEO/Founder | Saved in the City
Why We're Great >

Chasity is the key player every leader needs on their team. She has an innate ability to capture a vision and build creative media solutions that work. Her attention to detail, level of proficiency and forward thinking approach is second to none. She has helped our organization find its voice and developed brand strategies that has catapulted our online presence.
- Brittany Morton, CEO
Saved in the City
Why We're Great >

Omega George,
Marketing Manager | entertainmentOne
It's been one of the most refreshing experiences working with The Chasity Nichole Agency. Chasity is punctual, professional and personable. This agency houses a work ethic and creative ability that transcends mainstream mediocrity and propels conveyed visions beyond imaginative expectations.
- Omega George, Marketing Mgr.
Why We're Great >

Juneil Bettis,
CEO | Bettis Financial
Working with Chasity had been nothing short of amazing. With her advice and business expertise I have seen my business grow in ways I never thought was possible. In one weekend I was able to use her advice to grow my email list and gain 3 new bookkeeping clients!
- Juneil Bettis, CEO
Bettis Financial